Beagle Walk - Te Atatu Peninsula, Orangihina Park, West Auckland - Sunday, 23 June 2024
Date: Sunday, the 23rd June 2024
Time: 10am
Meeting Place: Carpark at the end of Harbour View Road
Directions: Click here to view the location on Google Map
Parking: Carpark at the end of Harbour View Road
Meeting Place: Carpark at the end of Harbour view Road. Look for the Club Flag.
Route: The walk is mostly flat on a loose metal track in one direction and a concrete path on the way back. There are toilets available and the walk is about 3km with lovely views of the Harbour Bridge and cityscape. We walk a meandering track that follows the coastline of the peninsula overlooking wetlands and streams. This area is home to the rare Fernbird -as well as Godwits who visit the shell banks off the peninsula.
Directions: From the North Western Motorway take the Te Atatu road exit (14) and head towards Te Atatu peninsula. Follow Te Atatu Road and at second roundabout turn right into Harbourview road.
Walk Time: Approximately 45 minutes.
On leash/Off leash: This is an on leash area to protect the fern birds and Godwits.
Cup of Tea anyone? Can I please encourage you all to stay and socialize after the walk? The club will be providing free morning tea for members. Non-members koha gold coin donation.
Contact: Please contact Ray Linton-Brown if you have any queries about this walk 021 618 465 or 09 256 1268.
Remember: It is advisable not to leave any valuables in vehicles, and to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for poor weather conditions and off road walking.
Don’t forget to take water and poo bags for your dogs.
Rain, hail or shine our Beagle walks go ahead